Microsoft Teams: Cannot Install For All Users When A VDI Environment Is Not Detected | VCloudInfo.Microsoft Teams: Cannot Install For All Users When A VDI Environment Is Not Detected | VCloudInfo
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Teams cannot install for all users when a vdi - teams cannot install for all users when a vdi.Microsoft Teams: Cannot install for all users when a VDI environment is not detectedTeams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs
Ask a new question. We currently use persistent VDI's and are looking to switch to non-persistent for some users. The issue we are running into is that Teams can't be installed on the template, since it is user specific. We can run a script that installs Teams upon login, but it has to run at every login on the non-persistent VDI's otherwise Teams won't work.
We don't want to have to install it every time a user logs in. Is there a way to deploy Teams on the VDI tempalte in a non-persistent VDI environment so that it works for all users who login without a fresh install? Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Microsoft Teams Teams for business Search Community member.
Hello, We currently use persistent VDI's and are looking to switch to non-persistent for some users. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Here it has been approved on your side. About how Teams work in non-VDI, we have little information regarding this.
As you mentioned that you can have a script to get it done, you can contact Microsoft MSDN forum which mainly focuses on the development related issues for help. On another hand, any customer who have the similar experience is welcomed to share something here.
Regards, Alan. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. This site in other languages x.
Teams install error " VDI environment not detected" - App Layering 4.x - Discussions - How does Microsoft Teams MSI for VDI work
I have tried to do uninstall etc. The log file is following partly :. Status: success, scenario: 52d3f63a-f86c-4dbef, Scenario. Step: start, sequence: 0, appversion: , platformId: 27, DeviceInfo. OsName: Windows, DeviceInfo. CpuArchitecture: x64, DeviceInfo. OsVersion: ProcessArchitecture: x86, AppInfo. ComputerUuid: abc8bbbeaefcd7ef0, DeviceInfo. OfficeMachineId: 12d3d35eab24bd86caf8, InstallerVersion: 1. LogToFile String message AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. Exception: File endpoint.
Bailing install. MoveNext End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at System. ValidateEnd Task task at Squirrel. MoveNext End of inner exception stack trace at System. Wait at Squirrel. Deleting first.
Delete String path at Squirrel. InnerInvoke at System. Execute End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown at System. MoveNext Exception: Couldn't acquire lock, is another instance running at Squirrel. I have read your question carefully and done some research, please kindly refer to following suggestions:.
At first, if you want to install the Teams client, you should pay attention to this: Hardware requirements for Teams on a Windows PC. Minimum 1. Note: We recommend using the latest Windows version and security patches available. Requires 2-core processor. Background video effects require Windows 10 or a processor with AVX2 instruction set. See Hardware decoder and encoder driver recommendations for a list of unsupported decoders and encoders. Joining a meeting using proximity detection in a Microsoft Teams Room requires Bluetooth LE, which requires Bluetooth to be enabled on the client device, and for Windows clients it also requires the bit Teams client.
This feature is not available on bit Teams clients. If you are producing a Teams live event, we recommend using a computer that has a Core i5 Kaby Lake processor, 4. If you use any third party anti-virus software or firewalls, please use the link above to try to install again. Hope this help you, if there is any deviation in my understanding, please forgive me and provide me with more details. I am more than happy to continue to help you.
I wish you a smooth new year and all the best! Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Has your problem solved? Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions about this. Hope you have a wonderful day! Even I am facing the same issue. But it is showing code sent on a given mobile number.
However, there is no such code received. Plz Help! I have been this for a few hours now. Original issue was Teams status would show away while using the computer. No resolution I could find. I logged in as another account, installed teams. Got this error. Setup teams and watching it for an hour.
The status did not change. So I nuked the users profile. Now I cannot get teams to install. Status: success, scenario: 47aaabccb0cdb36f, Scenario. OsVersion: 6. ClientType: desktop, dllSearchPathState: unset, clientType: desktop, source: exe, distSrc: default, breadcrumb: , desktopSession: desktop-0e2cfef-ae2c-9e31e5bf7e87, installSessionId: dcb4bdfeffa1debe7f39cbd1a46cb16cadf6, shortUrlId: 8DAF69E, delta: 0, scenarioDelta: 0, elapsed: , stepDelta: 0, DeviceInfo.
ComputerUuid: 4c4ccac04f, DeviceInfo. OfficeMachineId: 0dbafcbb2e37ab71e5, InstallerVersion: 1. ClientType: desktop, dllSearchPathState: unset, clientType: desktop, source: exe, distSrc: default, breadcrumb: ejfpd;vpe;, desktopSession: desktop-0e2cfef-ae2c-9e31e5bf7e87, installSessionId: dcb4bdfeffa1debe7f39cbd1a46cb16cadf6, shortUrlId: 8DAF69E, delta: , scenarioDelta: , elapsed: , stepDelta: , DeviceInfo. When I go to this link I see this.. I entered that link in the address bar and was able to get it installed.
Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Microsoft Teams Teams for business Search Community member. JP Wirta. The log file is following partly : This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question 6. Report abuse.
Details required :. Cancel Submit. NET version Requires. NET 4. Teams live events If you are producing a Teams live event, we recommend using a computer that has a Core i5 Kaby Lake processor, 4. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.
Best regards, Kerry. Did you ever get this resolved? Below is what I had to do. This site in other languages x. Standard laptop camera, microphone, and speakers.
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